

What did consolidation mean for many small companies?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What did consolidation mean for many small companies?
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Often consolidation just means that its merging many smaller items into a larger one or amount. Quite often, companies are associated with the word to mean when many spread out smaller companies merge into a larger company.

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CXR no consolidation means the chest x-ray was normal.

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it means Mcdonalds and other big companies falling...and small companies overtaking them,

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Neither the word 'consolidation' nor 'consolidate' appear in the Bible.

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"Data consolidation is the process of combining information materials, to create new, usually streamlined variable sets of information. This creates more efficiency."

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the process of bringing together many firms in the same business to form one large company

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Many companies are hiring in the Boston area. Hard to tell...laduhh! haha jk. no mean to be mean. ♥

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Data consolidation means that you take data from various different sources and in different forms and make a summary of that in the form of one entity. You are consolidating data into x.

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The Spanish phrase 'consolidacion de deudas' translates into English as debt consolidation, or the consolidation of one's debt. It is used by debt counselors.

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