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Stanley accidentally stole a pair of Clyde "Sweet Feet" Livingston's shoes.

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Micheal Jordan's Basketball shoes I believe

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Clyde Livingston's shoes

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Q: What did Stanley steal in HOLES?
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What is the injustice done in holes the movie?

stanley was punished for the shoes he didnt steal

Did zero steal something in the book holes?

Zero originally stole Clyde Livingstone's shoes, for which Stanley was blamed.

What is Stanley last name from holes?

Stanley's nickname is caveman

Who is the caveman in the holes book?

caveman in the movie holes is Stanley yelnats IV

Who was Stanley's counselor in the book holes?

Mr. Pendanski was Stanley Yelnat's counselor in the book/movie Holes.

Who is Stanley in the book Holes?

Stanley is the main character in the story, he is charged with staling a famous pair of shoes, when he didn't do it! He has to be charged to go to Camp Greenlake, which he has to dig countless holes.

Share some examples from the film holes to demonstrate the theme courage in Stanley?

One of the examples given in the Novel 'Holes' about Courage is when Stanley covers for the other boys and takes the blame for stealing the sunflower seeds. This is an example of courage because Stanley didn't steal the seeds and Mr. Sir is vicious when it comes to stealing, and since Mr. Sir stopped smoking he became crankier. Also Stanley doesn't know the consequences of his action, which might be pretty nasty!!

Who is imprisioned in the book holes?

well isn't it stanley?

Whose name is a palindrome in the book Holes?

Stanley Yelnats is the character in the book "Holes" whose name is a palindrome.

What did Armpit in holes do when asked by Stanley where he could get water?

he punched Stanley cos Stanley didnt call him armpit ;]

Who is the main character in the book Holes?


What color of hair does Stanley from Holes?
