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Antigone and Oedipus Rex are two famous plays that Sophocles [c. 496 B.C.E. - c. 406 B.C.E.] wrote. A third play, 'Oedipus at Colonus', isn't as well known as the other two. All three plays deal with the consequences of the tragic ignorance of Theban King Oedipus.

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Here is a list. Sophocles most famous surviving work includes the Theban plays: Oedipus Rex(sometimes called Oedipus Tyrannus) Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone. Although these plays deal with the similar subjects, it has been conjectured that they in fact come from different collections of works and the three plays should not be seen as a trilogy. His surviving works also include Trachinian Women, Ajax, Philoctes, and Electra. The few works that remain are outstanding; however, it is hard not to wonder about what literary jewels have been lost to the ages. The lost work of Sophocles is said to include Water-Carriers, Judgment, Assembly of the Achaeans, Banquet of the Achaeans, Ethiopians, Scyrians, Larissaeans, Iberians, Phaeacians, Mysians, Phrygians, Muses, Captive Women, Phthian Women, Scythian Women, Camicians, Colchian Women, Lemnian Women (two versions), Laconian Women, Lovers of Achilles, Momus, Image Bearers, Shepherds, Root-Cutters, Theseus, Atreus, Iphigenia, Odysseus, Madness of Odysseus, Andromache, Daedalus, Meleager, Pandora, Minos, Tantalus, Eris, Cerberus, Laocoon, Ion, Ixion, Sisyphus, Andromeda, Niobe, Voyage of Nauplius , Troilus, Phaedra, Triptolemus, Helen Claimed, Marriage of Helen, Helen Seized, Philoctetes at Troy, Clytemnestra, Tyro (two), the Fire-Kindler, Acrisius, Alexander, Priam,Amphiaraus, Euryalus, Danae, Hermione, Iobates, Aletes, Dionysiskos, Pelias, Epigoni, Amphitryon, Athamas (two), Heracles, Heracles at Taenarum, Tyndareus, Akanthoplex, Tympanists, Thyestes (three), Admetus, Phoenix, Aegisthus, Ajax of Locris, Cedalion, Chryses, Creusa, Nausicaa, Eriphyle, Erigone, Eumelus, Sinon, Oeneus, Aegeus, Eurypylus, Polyxena, Palamedes, Memnon, Thamyras, Inachus, Teucer, Hippodamia, Tereus, Nauplius, , Salmoneus, Procris, Oenomaus, Amycus, Eurysaces, , Peleus, Iocles, Hipponous, Alcmaeon, Herakleiskos, Phrixus, Polyides, Phineus (two versions), Iambe, Hybris, Dolopes, Antenoridae, Aleadae.

He also raised a big family, acted as a tax collector and was an army general in several campaigns. He probably had given up sleep.

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Greek Tragedies

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Q: Which famous play did Sophocles write?
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What is sophocles famous play?

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Probably Oedipus Rex by Sophocles.

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Antigone is written by Sophocles. It's about how great man is.Shakespeare didn't write Antigone. Sophocles did.

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Antigone and Oedipus Rex are two famous plays that SophoclesRead more: Which_famous_play_did_Sophocles_write

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William Shakespeare did indeed write a play called Julius Caesar.

Did Sophocles write Antigone?

Yes, Sophocles wrote the play 'Antigone'. His birth and death dates were 496 B.C.E. - 406 B.C.E.* Most likely, he wrote the play around 442 B.C.E. *Before the Christian era

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Sophocles lived in the democracy of ancient Athens. He wrote in ancient Greek.

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