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Q: What did James Madison wear when he was young?
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Who was the young scholar-statesman who supplied himself with appropriate books from European pubishers before and during the Constitutional Convention?

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Who wrote the nine of the ten amendments to the bill of rights and was the first president to wear tousers?

James Madison was the first president to wear long pants.

What is James Madison's full name?

James Madison, Jr.

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James Madison

What did James Madison do as a lawyer?

James Madison was not a lawyer. He was never admitted to the bar. He did study law from time to time and did consider becoming a lawyer as a young man -- then he got into government.

What is James Madison's father's name?

James Madison's father's name is James Madison, Sr.

Who was the long pant president?

James Madison was the first US President to wear long pants.

Who was nine of the ten amendments to the bill of rights and was the first to wear trousers?

James Madison was the first president to wear long pants.

Who was James Madison marry to?

Dolley Payne Todd Madison was the wife of James Madison.

Did president James Madison wear pants?

Yes, President James Madison would have worn pants during his time, as it was the customary attire for men in the early 19th century.

What was James Madison's full name?

James Madison did not have a middle name. Therefore, his full name was James Madison - occasionally James Madison Jr., as he shared his name with his father.

Who was James Madison's son?

he was 59 at death. he was adopted by marriage, Madison had no biological son.