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I believe it's because he was quite attached to his old wand and didn't really want the power and stigma that came with the elder wand. I don't think it was destroyed either, I don't even think it can be destroyed. I can't remember where but I thought he placed it somewhere where it would stay until he died leaving it without an owner.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

He snaps it half and throws it off the Hogwarts bridge

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Harry didn't give it away, he had it returned to Dumbledore's grave with the plan that it would stay there forever.

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Q: What did Harry Potter do with the Elder wand?
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What is the strongest Harry Potter wand?

The strongest wand in the Harry Potter series is the Elder Wand.

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If your question is about Harry Potter's world, then it is the Elder Wand.

What is the special wand called in Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows?

The Elder wand.

Did Harry Potter get the Elder Wand?

Yes, but he gave it up.

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No wands have names in harry potter, except the elder wand. Harry's wand is just referred to as "Harry's wand".

What is the importance of the Elder wand?

The relevance of the "Elder Wand" in Harry Potter is mainly that it is a very powerful wand. Also, that its allegiance changes when somebody defeats the previous owner; according to the Harry Potter books, that is the usual case with wands. In the case of the Elder Wand, the details of the ownership changes are somewhat complicated.

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Can you buy the Elder Wand at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter?

Online you can buy an Albus Dumbledore wand which is the Elder Wand and they will sell it in the park. So yes you can.

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it is one of the three deathly hallows (The Elder Wand, The Stone of Ressurection, and The Cloak of Invisibility.)

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Voldemort kills Snape to get the elder wand

Who is the peverall descendant who gets the elder wand?

Lord Voldemort Harry Potter.

Where can you buy an Elder Wand?

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Theme Park.