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She called it The Canary because that particular shade of yellow reminded her of a Canary.

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 10y ago

Look for images online of the Kinner Airester. That's what model plane it was.

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Q: Why did Amelia Earhart call her first plane canary?
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What type of plane did Amelia Earhart have?

When Amelia bought her first plane it was called the CANARY

What type of plane did Amelia Earhart first own?

a Kinner canary

What was Amelia Earhart's first plane?

Amelia's first aircraft was a yellow Kinner Airster that she nicknamed 'Canary"

Did Amelia Earhart write canary on the side of her plane?

Yes, when she had her plane she wanted something special about so she wrote canary on the side so people would know it was hers.

When did Amelia Earhart buy her first plane?

Amelia Earhart got her first plane in 1921.

What was the color of Amelia Earhart's first plane?


When did Amelia Earhart receive her first plane?

she received her first plane in 1922.! :D

Why is Amelia Earhart remembered?

First woman to fly a plane

How old was Amelia Earhart when she saw her first plane?

Amelia Earhart was born July 4, 1897. If Amelia Earhart was ten years old when she saw her first airplane then the year would be 1907. 1897+10=1907

When did Amelia Earhart Build Her Plane?

Amelia never built a plane.

What was the public reaction to Amelia Earhart's plane going missing?

The public did not care about Amelia Earhart's plane they reacted to Amelia herself missing.

What was Amelia Earhart's first plane color?

It was a yellow Kinner Airster.