well about a week ago i was getting very thick discharge like white and clumpy
then 3 days ago it was thinner but sticky and still sumwhat thick
now today i have really thin clear discharge.
which day does it sound like i was ovulating.. ?
my period started April 29th and ended the 3rd.
i had sex on may 13th.
i don't know how long my cycle is tho but another question. what do you think my possibility of pregnancy is?
You can google "due date calculator" and work it in reverse until your get your conception date. Remember though, that these are approximate because the calculators assume that you ovulate on day 14 of your cycle but women can ovulate during a range of days around day 14.
Your estimated conception date is May 28th 2011. However, this date could be out by a few days. It also depends on the date on which you ovulate (release an egg).
No; a woman will not ovulate if she is pregnant.
When you ovulate depends on your menstrual cycle. You ovulate two weeks BEFORE your period, so how soon after your period you ovulate depends on how long your menstrual cycle is.
Your ovulation date will stay the same unless your period due date changes, in this case so will your ovulation date.
That makes your conception date roughly May 17th 2011. However, this date could be out by a couple of days. It depends on when you actually ovulated.
no, did you get your period?
Women ovulate around 14 days after their last period.
You can not make something ovulate, it is a natural occurrence and there's nothing you can do about it.
You can ovulate anytime when having irregular periods. To check when you ovulate when you are irregular the best way is to check your cervical mucus throughout your cycle.i dont know what to do
Yes, if you stop birth control, you may ovulate.