The address of the Old Spicewood Community School House Inc is: Po Box 44, Spicewood, TX 78669-0044
Tom Bartholomew died on December 14, 1998, in Spicewood, Texas, USA of stroke.
Spicewood Elementary School was created in 682.
The address of the Spicewood Springs Branch Library is: 8637 Spicewood Springs Rd, Austin, 78759 M
There are 28.402 miles between Austin, TX and Spicewood, TX.
The phone number of the Spicewood Springs Branch Library is: 512-974-3800.
EDINBURG, TEXAS is the county seat of Hidalgo County Texas.
Haqt County is not located in Killeen, Texas. Killeen is in Bell County, Texas. Haqt County may not be a recognized or established county in Texas.
Rockwall County is the wealthiest county in Texas.
Terrell, Texas is in Kaufman County.
Pearland, Texas is in the county of Brazoria, which later turned into Harris county. Pearland, Texas is in the county of Brazoria, which later turned into Harris county.