The coordinates 50N 30E point to Ukraine in Eastern Europe.
The city and country located at 40N 4W coordinates is Lisbon, Portugal.
The capital of the country located at 40N and 20E is Ankara, the capital of Turkey.
The country located at 50 degrees north latitude and 30 degrees east longitude is Ukraine.
The country of Albania is at 40N and 20E. Albania is a country located in central Europe. the capital is Tirana.
The coordinates 50N 30E point to Ukraine in Eastern Europe.
The city and country located at 40N 4W coordinates is Lisbon, Portugal.
The country located at 40 degrees North latitude and 5 degrees West longitude is Portugal. Portugal is situated on the western coast of the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe. Its capital city is Lisbon, and the country is known for its rich history, culture, and beautiful landscapes.
Turkey is located at 40n and 40e
The capital of the country located at 40N and 20E is Ankara, the capital of Turkey.
The country located at 50 degrees north latitude and 30 degrees east longitude is Ukraine.
The country of Albania is at 40N and 20E. Albania is a country located in central Europe. the capital is Tirana.
The country located at 30°N latitude and 30°E longitude is Egypt.
The city located at 40N and 96W is the capital city of the United States, Washington D.C.