Country code +886 is Taiwan. Numbers beginning with +886 8 are landlines, but you need one or two more digits for the full area code, to narrow down the location. Mobile phones (cellphones) in Taiwan have numbers beginning with +886 9.
(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
Country code +880 is Bangladesh. Country code +886 is Taiwan (Republic of China). Country codes +881, +882, and +883 are used for international networks, including certain satellite phones. Country code +888 is used for temporary numbers for major international disaster relief activities.
76 plus 54 plus 92 plus 88 plus 76 plus 88 plus 75 plus 93 plus 92 plus 68 plus 88 plus 76 plus 76 plus 88 plus 80 plus 70 plus 88plus 72 equal 1,440
364 + 88 + 88 = 540
99 + 99 + 88 + 88 + 72 + 72 = 518
88 + 88 = 176
40+48=88. 81 + 7 = 88...
Well, darling, if my math skills haven't failed me, the sum of those numbers is 753. So, go ahead and pat yourself on the back for asking me such a riveting question.
88 + 88 = 176
20 + 88 = 108
Cat got your calculator? The answer is 1072.
1 + 88 + 9 = 98
123 plus 88 equals 211
It is 88 + n237.