The coordinates 12 degrees north 0 degrees fall in Ghana, a country located in West Africa. The point is close to the intersection of the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude) and the equator (0 degrees latitude).
The country located at 12 degrees South and 50 degrees West is Brazil.
There is no specific city that lies at these coordinates. The country though, that lies at these coordinates is Nicaragua.
The coordinate 42 degrees north, 12 degrees east corresponds to a location in central Italy, near the city of Rome. It is within the country's boundaries and is commonly known as a part of the Italian peninsula.
China lies approximately between latitudes 18°N and 42°N, and longitudes 73°E and 135°E.
The coordinates 12 degrees north 0 degrees fall in Ghana, a country located in West Africa. The point is close to the intersection of the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude) and the equator (0 degrees latitude).
The country located at 12 degrees South and 50 degrees West is Brazil.
There is no specific city that lies at these coordinates. The country though, that lies at these coordinates is Nicaragua.
The coordinate 42 degrees north, 12 degrees east corresponds to a location in central Italy, near the city of Rome. It is within the country's boundaries and is commonly known as a part of the Italian peninsula.
Germany. By the E22 freeway near Ziesendorf.
Aruba's geographic coordinates are 12 degrees 30 minutes North latitude and 69 degrees 58 minutes West longitude. It's in the northern hemisphere at 12 degrees north of the Equator. It's in the western hemisphere at almost 70 degrees west of the Prime [Greenwich] Meridian in England.
This point is just north of Oak Canyon Rd. in Poway City, CA, about 12 miles north of San Diego.
China lies approximately between latitudes 18°N and 42°N, and longitudes 73°E and 135°E.
43 N 12 E isCittà della PieveProvince of Perugia Italy
The coordinates 33 degrees north latitude and 12 degrees east longitude correspond to the city of Marrakech in Morocco.