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i have no idea I'm thinking it comes from Italy

Garlic originated in southwestern Siberia. It later migrated to the Mediterranean which is often credited for it but this is as inaccurate as saying tomatoes are native to Italy.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Garlic is native to Central Asia and has been used as a source of food for over 7,000 years. People in ancient Egypt used it for both medicinal as well as cooking purposes. The plant can be grown year round in suitable climates.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

All of the countries produce garlic aside from some Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, as it is not considered to be 'hallal'.

Garlic is grown throughout the world. China and Argentina are major producers. There is nothing haram or non halal about garlic and it is widely used in Iranian cooking and throughout the Islamic world. The only religion I know of that has a cultural objection to eating garlic and onions is Jainism.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Uunited States. People in Italy do not eat garlic bread. Italian American Restaraunts started putting on the menu in back in the 40's or 50's.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

Garlic is native to southwestern Siberia.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: What countries produce garlic?
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Do garlic plants bear flowers?

Yes, garlic plants do produce flowers. However, these flowers are not typically allowed to fully develop on commercially grown garlic plants, as the energy is often redirected to bulb development.

Can people lose weight by eating garlic?

Garlic has no magical ability to produce weight loss in the human body.

Will the tiny bulbs on garlic roots produce new bulbs?

No, the tiny bulbs that form on garlic roots are called bulbils. These bulbils do not produce new bulbs like the cloves of the main garlic bulb. Instead, they can be planted to grow new garlic plants, but they will take longer to mature into full bulbs compared to cloves.

What is the odor of phosphorus?

Phosphorus itself does not have a distinct odor. However, when it reacts with air, it can produce phosphorus oxides which may have a slightly garlic-like odor.

How garlic reproduce?

Garlic is a bulb plant. If you crack open a head of garlic, there are many cloves. Each clove is a new garlic waiting to sprout. :) Hardneck varieties grow scapes that later produce a flower head that has bulbils that can be planted and in a few years will produce garlic.

Where in the world dose garlic grow?

Garlic grows easily and so grows in several countries. It grows best in warm areas that get a lot of sun. California claims to be the biggest source of commercially grown garlic. Lots of home gardeners include garlic in their gardens.

What country is roasted garlic bread from?

Roasted garlic has been combined with oil, usually olive oil, and spread on bread for many centuries in many countries. So it is not possible to specify exactly where roasted garlic bread originated. Texas

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