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How many countries took part in the world war two?

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Which countries were involed in world war 1?

people from 685 were born with anti-sydrome and they had heaps of pimples then the pretty kids will mock them that how they came to start a war

What country was involed in world war 2?

its called ww2 because basically the whole world was fighting, there was less than 10 neutral countries.

Was the US involed in world war 2?


Did any parts of Africa take part in World War 2?

Yes almost all of africa was involed.All of the MAIN countries were involed.

Who were countries that were your enemies during world war 2?

European countries vs Asia and Africa .

Why did World War 2 begin in Asia and Europe?

World War 2 began in Asia and Europe because that's where the aggressors (the countries who started the war, Germany and Japan) are located.

What countries in Asia participated in world war 1?

China, Japan and Thailand.

How did the Us get involed in world war 1?

Because the russans were are allys

In what year did the us get involed in world war 2?

December, 1941