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The United STATES!!! w00T!!!!

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โˆ™ 15y ago

ur lame.

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Q: What countries can women join the military in?
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Can women in the army join the infantry forces?

Not in the US military, no.

How many women are allowed in the military?

As many that are qualified and want to join.

What is to join a military branch?

It is most critical for our military to have, Men and women can both serve their country in each branch of the military.

What is the Age of consent for women to join military?

18. You can join at 17 but you need parental/guardian permission.

When did the women join the military during World War 2?

Congress authorized the Women's Auxiliary Corps in May of 1942.

What military positions were available to women once they were allowed to join the military?

When women were allowed to join the military, they were placed on the battlefield as nurses, just as they had been during the Civil War era. The U.S. Military also created branches such as the WAC, or Womens Air Corp. Women performed flying duties around the American borders so that more men were available on the front. There's women were known as WASPs.

How did women and minorities join in the war?

Women served in the military and other minorities were allowed in combat until the last year of the war.

When could women join combat troops?

Women were allowed in the military from mid-WWII. Any time before that it was considered unladylike or illegal.

How did women and minorities join in the war effort?

Women served in the military and other minorities were allowed in combat until the last year of the war.

How did women and minorities join the war effort?

Women served in the military and other minorities were allowed in combat until the last year of the war.

Was Cleopatra involved in the military?

no she was not since she was a women she did not have to join , but as the queen she was head of her country's military. She meddled in the strategies at the battle of Actium and we all know the results of that.

Who need to go to the army in Norway?

Men and women alike can join the Norwegian Military. However, the Norwegian Military does have a mandatory military service for men which has been described as being weak.