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Q: What countries border the Rhine?
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What countries are on the border of Rhine River?

The Rhine rises in Switzerland and also flows through Liechtenstein, Austria (it forms the border with Switzerland), Germany, France (where it forms the border with Germany) and the Netherlands.

What six countries do the Rhine river run into?

The Rhine rises in Switzerland and also flows through Liechtenstein, Austria (it forms the border with Switzerland), Germany, France (where it forms the border with Germany) and the Netherlands.

Which countries does the river Rhine flow through or border?

Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, France, and the Netherlands.

What are three countries through which the Rhine river runs?

The Rhine flows through 3 countries: Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands.But it also forms the border of 3 more: Liechtenstein, Austria and France.

The Rhine River forms a natural border between which two countries?

The Rhine and Rhone are two of the major rivers of Europe. Both rivers run through the countries of France and Switzerland.

Which nation shares a border with the Rhine islands?

Germany shares a border with the Rhine islands.

Which river flows through Germany and France?

The Rhine River (French: le Rhin, German: der Rhein)The southern part of the French-German border follows the river Rhine. The northern part does not follow any river.

The Rhine border Romania and whatelse?

Rhine is a river is the Western part of Europe and Romania is situated in the South-East of the continentș any border.

Does the Rhine border Alsace?

The river Rhine forms the eastern border of the French region of Alsace. It does not border the region of Lorraine. Note: Alsace and Lorraine are two separate French Regions, not one region.

This is one of the rivers near the northern border of the roman empire?

Most of the northern borders of the empire in Europe were marked by the rivers Rhine and Danube. Dacia (Romania) was a Roman province beyond the Danube, but it was also given up by Aurelian between 271 and 275 due to continuous attacks from outside . The Romans had lands beyond the Rhine in Germany, but they were given up in 340-341 by Constans for the same reasons. Thus, eventually these two rivers became the whole of the northern frontier. The source of the Danube is close to the Rhine The above only takes continental Europe into consideration. However the Roman empire extended much further north into Scotland. There were rivers there and the Romans had marching camps as far north a the Firth of Clyde and the Clyde river and even further up to the Amrick river.

What rivers forms Frances border on the east?

The Rhine River helps to form part of France's border on the eastern side of the country.

What is the name of the border river?

The river which borders Liechtenstein is the Rhine River.