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North Korea is in Asia. Go buy a flippin 'Altas'.

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Q: What continent is North Korea on?
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Is North Korea a country and a continent?

North Korea is a country, not a continent. It is part of the continent of Asia.

What continent is North Korea in?

North Korea is located on the continent of Asia.

Continent of North Korea?

North Korea is in Asia

Which continent is North Korea located?

North Korea is located in Asia. It is located in the northeast of the continent.

On which continent are North Korea and South Korea located?

Korea, both North Korea and South Korea, are a part of Asia.

Is North Korea west of North America?

Yes, North Korea is in west of North America continent.

Which continent are North Korea and South Korea located?


What continent is North Korea and China located in?

North Korea and China are both in Asia.

What is the continent of North Korea?

somewhere in asia.

What is the Korea's location?

Korea lies in the north eastern part of the Asian Continent :D

Is North Korea its own continent?

No. It is just a country. It is one of the countries that is in the continent of Asia.

Is North Korea a country or continent?

It is a country. It is just one of the countries that is in the continent of Asia.