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Depending on which islands you mean. There are the U.S.(North America) Virgin Islands. Or there's the British Virgin Islands.

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The US Virgin Island belong to the continent of North America.

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Q: What continent do the British Virgin Islands belong?
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Who do the british Virgin Islands belong to?

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What continent do the cayman islands belong?

Islands in an ocean don't belong to any continent. If they were part of a continent they wouldn't be islands would they? The African Continent is the continent nearest the Canary Islands, but the islands are the result of volcanic activity on the ocean floor.

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The islands that are belonging to the United Kingdom are: England, Pitcairin Islands, Falkland Islands, Montserrat, Saint Helena, Cook Islands, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, and Cayman Islands.

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The Cayman Islands do not belong to any city. They are a British territory.

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Lanzarote is the 4th largest island in the Canary Islands. It is volcanic in origin and about 125 kilometres from the nearest continent. It does not "belong" to any continent.

When did US Virgin Islands come into existence?

Never.There is no such official geographic or state entity as the U.S. Virgin Islands. The correct legal name is "Virgin Islands" and were so name by Christopher Columbus in 1493 on his second voyage to the "New World" in honor of St. Ursula and her 11,000 martyred virgin handmaidens."U.S. Virgin Islands" is simply a nick-name with no legal status that is used to let people know that the Islands belong to the United States and are not the British Virgin Islands.Noteworthy Fact: Salt River on St. Croix, Virgin Islands, is the only place in United States of America that Columbus visited.

To which continent do the Canary Islands belong?

The Canary Islands are on the African tectonic plate, and given their proximity to Africa they are most definitely in Africa.

What country does the Cayman Island belong to?

The Cayman Islands are considered a British Overseas Territory. The Islands are one of 14 British Territories that have voted to remain territories of Britain.