In mid 60's the family owned Caloric Corp., Topton, PA sold to Raytheon Corp. Raytheon had diversified into home appliances through their acquisition of Amana. They felt they had major quality applicance manf. with both gas stoves and electric. About 20 years later the Caloric brand was eliminated and eventually the assets converted or liquidated. You can still find older products and many unused parts on many web sites. Older Caloric stoves are now considered vintage and many are restored, but most just continure to give reliable daily service to millions of people around the world. The company line for a good decision or a new idea was, "Now you're cooking with gas."
The parent company of JennAir is Whirlpool. It is a brand that makes appliances. The appliances it specializes in are washers, dryers, and kitchen appliances.
Ole' is a brand of appliances made in Australia but there is no information found on the company.
Cooks is the store brand name of electrical kitchen appliances and other kitchen items sold by JC Penny. I believe the appliances are made in China by a company called Sensio.
Vestel is a Turkish home and professional appliances manufacturing company consisting of 18 companies specialized in electronics, major appliances and information technology. Celcus is a subsidiary of Vestel.
GE makes hotpoint
The appliance is manufactured by Sears Holdings, the parent company of Kenmore Appliances, and its associate-partner companies.
The company Poly Plastic produces and developes automotive parts and components, electrical and electronic appliances, railway appliances, civil construction appliances, major domestic appliances and masterbatches.
The company that manufactures LG Appliances is known as LG. This is a Korean company that has gained international recognition.
A Chinese international company
Looking at various sites on the Web, the company that made Welbilt no longer makes appliances. They stopped in 2001. Typing Welbilt Bread Machine Manufacturer in the search engine will give you available information.