The combining form that means strange or other is "xeno-".
The combining form that means "nail" is onych/o.
The Greek combining form hepta- means "seven."
The combining form that means hidden is "crypt-" as in "cryptic" or "cryptology."
Nitrogen- is the combining form for nitrogen. For instance, nitrogenous means containing or related to nitrogen.
The combining form hist/o means
The combining form that means strange or other is "xeno-".
Combining form derm/o means: skin
The combining form that means "nail" is onych/o.
Combining form for shape
A hump is not a medical term, so I can't give you the correct combining form.
The Greek combining form hepta- means "seven."
The combining form that means hidden is "crypt-" as in "cryptic" or "cryptology."
The medical terminology combining form for "rapid" is "tachy-." For instance, tachycardia is abnormally rapid heartrate.
The combining word is sphygum
Spleno means spleen in medical terminology.Spleno- is already the combining form. It is the combining form for the spleen.