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You don't need to wear a certain color for Good Friday, you just need to make sure that what you are wearing is appropriate.

I know of no tradition of today that says you shouldn't or couldn't wear red on Good Friday, however, if you are asking for your own religious beliefs, then I would suggest asking a Priest or Pastor. Certain religions, even today, view the wearing of red as a bold and egotistical statement, which shows vanity and is of course one of the deadly sins.

I'm not sure why some Christian Faiths view Red as being such a bad color and how such things as hanging red lights outside your home to show the location of a "house of ill repute" exist.

The Blood of Christ was Red, so why would Christians view the color as a bad color, it is the Red Blood of Christ that paid for their sins and pardoned them.

Catholics are not required to wear any specific color on Good Friday, but they tend to wear red and/or black, in honor of the Christ's passion.

People normally prefer light shades. White is considered a very appropriate color for Good Friday.

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A priest wears red on Good Friday. Red is symbolic of warmth and blood. The liturgical color of red is used for Masses of the Holy Spirit, recalling the tongues of fire on Pentecost; on feasts commemorating the Passion of Christ; and on festivals of saints who were martyred. extracted from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980.

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