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lithium heparin light green

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3mo ago

A red top tube (serum separator tube) is typically used to collect blood for digoxin level testing. The tube should be inverted gently to mix the blood with the anticoagulant and clot activator present in the tube. Once the sample is collected, it should be processed promptly to separate the serum for analysis.

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Q: What tube use for Digoxin level?
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When you draw blood for digoxin level which tube do you use?

Type your answer here... Use a SST (Serum Seperator Tube)

When you draw blood for a digoxin level which tube do you use?

Type your answer here... Use a SST (Serum Seperator Tube)

Can you use a sst tube for digoxin level?

Yes, a SST (serum separator tube) can be used for digoxin level testing. It's important to separate the serum from the cells promptly after collection to prevent interference with the assay. Following proper sample handling procedures will ensure accurate results for digoxin level measurement.

When you draw blood for a digoxin levels which tube do you use?

Type your answer here... Use a SST (Serum Seperator Tube)

What color tube do you use when drawing digoxin?

red top

What tube is used for digoxin?

GOLD is incorrect. Digoxin is a heart drug. General chemistry drug tests use red top.

What tube is used to draw a digoxin level?

A green top tube (containing lithium heparin) is typically used to draw blood for digoxin level testing. Make sure to follow proper specimen collection procedures to ensure accurate results.

What color tube is used for digoxin?

GOLD is incorrect. Digoxin is a heart drug. General chemistry drug tests use red top.

When you draw blood for a digoxin level which tube do you us?

Typically, a red-top or green-top tube is used to collect blood for a digoxin level test. The blood sample is collected through a venipuncture procedure, and the tubes contain no anticoagulant. It's important to follow standard blood collection procedures and handle the sample with care to ensure accurate test results.

What is normal digoxin level?

0.8 to 2

What color tube for digoxin?

A red-top tube is typically used for digoxin testing, as it does not require any specific additives for the test. However, it is always best to check with the laboratory or healthcare provider for specific instructions.

Is it safe to take digoxin and ibuprofen?

Aspirin, an NSAID, is contraindicated in the use with Digoxin due to the fact that it increases Digoxin levels in th blood and could lead to Digoxin Toxicity.