Weather that is comfortable for humans is also good for wheat. Wheat needs 12 to 15 inches of water to produce a good crop. It grows best when temperatures are warm but not too hot. And it needs lots of sunshine, plus it to be dry
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A) Climatic Requirement for Wheat Cultivation:
1. Wheat is a temperature crop but widely adapted to varying climate conditions.
2. It needs cool, dry and clear climate for better growth and yield.
3. The optimum temperature range for growth is between 70C to 210C.
4. The rainfall requirement is 750 to 1600 mm/year.
5. Hot and humid climate is harmful because it encourages the infestation of diseases like rust, root rot etc.
6. In early growth stage, it requires cool temperature and dew formation which increases tillering.
7. Very low temperature, cloudy atmosphere and frost during grain filling stage is harmful.
It needs sunny and dry conditions so it can grow into big shrodes of wheat piles.