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the climate is hot and rainy
in a warm climate
Hm...Somewhere with lots of BIG trees (they like to eat on tree branches, makes them feel safer), uhh, well...Black panthers are actually leopards, why don't you Google where THEY live? :D

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6y ago
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7y ago

Black panthers, both black leopards and black jaguars, are found mainly in dense rainforest areas, but they can also be found in marshland, woodlands, swamps, savannahs, and even mountains and deserts

Black specimens of jaguars and leopards tend to be more prevalent in rain forests or jungles where these cats are found. For example, black leopards are mostly found in Indonesia and southern India, where as much as 30% of the leopards found there are black. In Africa, black leopards have only been recorded from the dense forests of the Congo, and they are rare even there, only about 1% of the leopard population.

For jaguars, black specimens are fairly common in the Amazon basin, about 25% of the total population, becoming more rare farther north. Only two records of black jaguars have been found north of Honduras.

The Black Panther's habitats include the rainforest, marshland, woodlands, swamps savannahs, and even mountains and deserts.

Black panthers are found mainly in dense rainforest areas but can also be found in marshland, woodlands, swamps, savannahs, mountains and deserts mostly in south and Southeast Asia and South America.
A black panther habitat is next to a mountain top or in the grassy land where there is a lot of grass

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6y ago

"Black" panthers are a melanistic variant of any large cat. It is most commonly seen in cougars (North America), jaguar and jaguarundi (Central and South America), leopards (Africa and Asia), and black tigers (Asia). Most live in tropical or subtropical areas, others live in temperate forests, still others live in arid and mountainous areas.
tropical rainforest

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13y ago

A black panther is typically a melanistic color variant of any of several species of larger cat. Wild black panthers in Latin America are black jaguars (Panthera onca), in Asia and Africa it is the black tiger (Panthera tigris) and the black leopards (Panthera pardus), and in North America they may be black jaguars or possibly black cougars (Puma concolor - although this has not been proven to have a black variant), or smaller cats.

Black Panthers are also reported as cryptids in areas such as the United States and the United Kingdom, and if these do exist, their species is not known. Captive black panthers may be black jaguars, or more commonly black leopards.It is found in South Asia in a small number.

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8y ago

A black panther is the melanistic color variant of any Panthera species. Black panthers in Asia and Africa are leopards (Panthera pardus) and black panthers in the Americas are black jaguars (Panthera onca).

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15y ago

The black Panther lives in the Tropical Rainforests.

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8y ago

There is no species called a black panther. A black panther may be a melanistic (black) leopard from Africa or Asia or it may be a melanistic jaguar from North or South America.

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8y ago

Black panther is not the name of a single animal species. It may refer to a melanistic (black) jaguar form North or South America or it may refer to a melanistic leopard of Africa or Asia.

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12y ago

a jungle

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