Abnormal results may show gallstones, tumors, or cholesterol polyps (a tumor growing from the lining that is usually noncancerous). Typically stones will "float" or move around as the patient changes position, whereas tumors.
A normal scan shows a gallbladder without gallstones. There will be no evidence of growths or tumors, and no signs of infection or swelling. The normal gallbladder fills with bile and secretes it through the bile duct without blockages.
Ultrasound, CT scan, And the main one that measures the intake and output is the HIDA scan.
Greater than 2% of total hemoglobin is abnormal.
Cholecystolithiasis is the abnormal condition of stones in the gallbladder. Choledocholithiasis is the abnormal condition of stones in the common bile duct.
A diseased external sphincter muscle will produce an abnormal pattern of electrical activity.
The x ray will show normal structures for the age of the patient. The gallbladder should visualize, and be free of any solid structures, such as stones, polyps, etc.
An abnormal finding, such as a tumor or an object lodged in the tissue, would either be removed or described for further medical attention.
Yes, signs of gallstones can include an elevated white blood cell count in cases involving an inflamed gallbladder and excess bilirubin. Your doctor will also check for enzymes produced by the liver and pancreas to see if they are abnormal.
In an abnormal technetium heart scan, hot spots reveal damage to the heart. The larger the hot spots, the poorer the patient's prognosis.
There is no artificial gallbladder that can act as a replacement for the human gallbladder.
An abnormal chromosome analysis report will include the total number of chromosomes and will identify the abnormality found. Tests for gene mutations will report the mutations found.
The most common abnormal response is the failure to achieve and maintain and erection strong enough and long enough to engage in sexual intercourse.