1904 Moss Hart
1930 The Big Bopper
1940 Barry Davies
1942 Frank Delaney
1946 Jerry Edmonton
1947 Kevin Kline
1971 Caprice Bourret
1972 Dervla Kirwan
Celebrities born on October 4 include:
Ava Sambora (actress and famous daughter) - born 1997
Dakota Johnson (actress and famous daughter) - born 1989
Derrick Rose (NBA player) - born 1988
Alicia Silverstone (actress) - born 1976
Liev Schreiber (actor) - born 1967
Russell Simmons (businessman and famous brother) - born 1957
Christoph Waltz (Austrian actor) - born 1956
Armand Assante (actor) - born 1949
Linda McMahon (famous wrestling wife) - born 1948
Susan Sarandon (actress) - born 1946
Clifton Davis (TV actor) - born 1945
Anne Rice (vampire author) - born 1941
Historically, October 4 was the birthday of :
Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th US President (1822-1893)
Damon Runyon, newspaperman and author (1880-1946)
Buster Keaton, comedy actor (1895-1966)
Charlton Heston, epic actor (1923-2008)
Jackie Collins, authoress (1937-2015)
Some famous people who were born on October 14 include Usher, Roger Moore, and fashion designer, Ralph Lauren. Some others are Dwight D. Eisenhower and John Wooden.
Check the related link.
Here are a few celebrities born on October 28 * Charlie Daniels - October/28/1936 * Bruce Jenner - October/28/1949 * Julia Roberts - October/28/1967
Marian Florek was born on October 24, 1958.
Annyce Holzman was born on October 24, 1946.
Aase Tarp was born on October 24, 1922, in Denmark.
John Mayer was born on October 16th
Some celebrities that were born on October 28th include:Bill GatesJulia RobertsBrad PaisleyBruce JennerMatt Smtih
Check the related link.
Nicola Roberts, Dannii Minogue, Simon Cowell
OCTOBER 24 1986
Drake was born on October 24 1986
Here are a couple of celebrities born on October 4 * Alicia Silverstone - October/04/1976 * Buster Keaton - October/04/1895
Levi West was born on the 24 of October 1999 inTesco's petrol station in Ystred Mynach
Jennifer Lopez, actress\singer - August 24, 1970
Julia Roberts Joaquin Phoenix Bill Gates Bruce Jenner
Monica was born on October 24, 1980.
Madlib was born on October 24, 1973.