Charlie Watts, (drummer for The Rolling Stones). Micheal Morporgo (author). Agatha Christie did!
Devon Pollard's birth name is Devon Trevor Pollard.
Devon Werkheiser's birth name is Devon Joseph Werkheiser.
yes lania went out with Devon and she loved him no matter what happened and she still loves Devon
Is Devon Franklin and Kurt Franklin brothers
where does Devon donte Campbell live in stuebenville ,Ohio
No, there is no celebrities living in Michigan and , i know its boring without them lolz
james, logan, kendal, carlos from big time rush
celebrities and the 8 million other of us New Yorkers:)
Some celebrities that own homes in Utah include: Donny Osmond Marie Osmond Mitt Romney Summer Sanders Montel Williams Tony Danza
Josephine & Elsie were born in Vermont, John was born while the family was living in Devon.
Devon Lachapelle goes by Devon.
Devon is a county.
The Surreal Life
All of the members of the family!! and All the people living in London and many celebrities
exeter airport is in Devon
Exeter is the capital of Devon
Devon is English.