CE stands for Common Era, also known as Christian Era and Current Era. It is another designation for numbering years. CE is the same as AD. 2010 AD is the same as 2010CE
Individuals who hate what Jesus stood for (love, compassion, and truth) are upset that the world still uses A.D and B.C. These individuals understand that if they sneak C.E. into to public school books they will be one step closer to erasing who Jesus was and what he stood for. Since they banned the Pledge of Allegiance and successfully removed God from the public school system, has school violence and teen pregnancy gone up or down?
um....so...i don't know where you live.....but at my school, and every school in New Mexico we say the pledge every single day in both English and Spanish. And just because we aren't supposed to bring up God, we have a whole section on Christianity and such in history. So yeah.
Common Eraor Christian Era
It is capitalized at the beginning of the sentence or when it forms part of the proper noun. Examples: The 2nd century is considered part of the Classical era. The Second Century Initiative is celebrating its anniversary.
SEC could stand for Second, but it could also be short for Secretary.
Est-ce que vous êtes allé au marché ce matin ? Est-ce que vous êtes allés au marché ce matin ? Est-ce que vous êtes allée au marché ce matin ? Est-ce que vous êtes allées au marché ce matin ?
It's Cecelia
The first century CE began at the beginning of 1 CE and ended at the end of 100 CE. The first century BCE ended at the end of 1 BCE, and the second century CE began at the beginning of 101 CE. (Note that there is no year 0, so 1 BCE immediately precedes 1 CE.)
From the Fifth Century BCE to the Second Century CE.
Jahangir Nagar was the name of the city in the 17th century AD/ CE who became the second largest city in the gulf of Bengal after Calcuta/ Kolkata in the 19th century AD/ CE.
Christian women did not enjoy many rights after the 2nd century CE, but between the time of Christ's death and the 2nd century CE, they had the same rights as men, which included preaching the gospels and baptizing people.
The 8th Century AD, which is also the 8th Century CE.
1492 CE is the 15th century. This is because just like there was no year "0," there was no 0th century. 01-100 CE is the first century, 101-200 is the second, and so on. A common misconception is that the century ticks from one to the next on the transition of years from '99 to '00. Since there was no year "0," the century mark actually changes from '00 to '01.
The 8th century AD. AD and CE are the same.
The 13th Century.
The 6th century.
In the West, from the 1st Century BCE to the 4th Century CE. In the East until the 15th Century CE.
the first century
The country that got its independence in 10th Century CE is Denmark.