Spleen Qi Deficiency causes indentations or what looks like tooth marks on the side of your tongue. Symptoms include: Lethargy
Tired eyes
Dislike cold greasy foods
Headache after exertion
Symptoms are worse in the morning
Abdominal discomfort which feels better when pressure is applied
Bloating and gas
Weak limbs
The ipsilateral side of the tongue refers to the side of the tongue that is on the same side as a specific structure or condition being discussed. For example, if there is a lesion on the right side of the tongue, the ipsilateral side would be the right side.
If they're in the middle of your tongue, they're just double center tongue piercings. If they're side by side, on either side of your tongue, they're venom tongue piercings.
You must have a big tongue. Congratulations, if you have her pies on the side of your tongue, see a doctor/baker immediately.
To accurately measure your sit bones at home, sit on a piece of corrugated cardboard or aluminum foil on a hard surface. Rock side to side to create indentations. Measure the distance between the centers of the indentations to determine your sit bone width.
My tongues on the right side gets rough and scratchy and the inside of my jaw turns black. My tongue becomes very sensitive and anything I put in my mouth is irritating. This comes and goes but always on the right side of my mouth.
Can ear infection cause numnbess of one side of tongue?
My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side to My Tongue was created on 2004-05-18.
styloglossus: retracts the tongue, elevates side
It just pulls off. There are 2 indentations on either side of the ball that the ends of the hoop fit into.
Check your down side. oookaayyy.
It sometimes means that you are either hungry or thirsty. But it's normal considering that your mouth is sometimes open in a cold room or outside that it causes the air to go into your mouth and makes your mouth and tongue cold.