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Q: What causes black lines under fingernails?
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Why do premature babies get black fingernails?

Some premature babies get dark colored or black fingernails because of the lack of fat under the skin which causes the skin to discolor. This can also be due to a lowered amount of oxygen in the extremities shortly after birth.

What causes pus under fingernails?

picking warts on your bum and casual worms.

Do fingernails have germs under them?

Yes, fingernails have germs under them.

What does is mean when wake up with black stuff under your one fingernail?

I guess it means that you scrached your skin in your sleep ! and dead skin cells are that black think under your fingernails

When your grandma was dying her fingernails and toes where black why?

were black not where black.Tthey appear black because the skin under the nails have no more circulation.Hemolyzed blood appear to be black,no more Oxygen.

What effect does psoriasis have on fingernails?

The effects of psoriasis on the fingernails may include discoloration of the nail, pitting (small holes) of the nails, lines across the nails, thickening of the skin under the nail, and the loosening or crumbling of the nail.

Why do fingernails curl under?

fingernails shouls not curl under or it just depends on how you would like your nails

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Why do leopards have black lines under their eyes?

I think your mistaken with cheetahs.....

Are ridges on the fingernails a sign of disease?

As far as I know they can be a sign of calcium deficiency. You can also get white lines under the nails which can be caused by this or by damage (banging, trapping fingers etc...).

What causes black heads?

Blackheads are caused by trapped oil under the skin. Blackheads appear to be black, but this is just their appearance under the skin.

Is 70 percent of dirt under your fingernails poo?

yes it is