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Surnames with raju/varma in andhra pradesh belong to kshatriya community.
the caste name is kshatriyas, raju is not name of the caste they are the only recoginsed vedic kshatriyas of south india
The last name "Godi" does not belong to any specific caste. Last names are not always indicative of a person's caste or social group in modern times. It is more common for surnames to be used for identification and may not necessarily reflect one's caste background.
Settibalija caste
He belongs to Viswakarma/Viswabrahmin community.
no it doesnt belong that caste... it belongs to poland community
The Waghela caste belong to Kshatriya. I am proud of Waghela............................... I Love Waghela
No . They belong to OBC .
Caste commedian Thagubothu Ramesh belong to the Indian community.
scheduled caste
Generally Kamma caste.