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Q: What can't sound travle though?
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What do sound waves travle fastest though?


Why cant sound waves go to outer space?

not as far because they have nothing to travle throough like on earth (air)

What does sound travle fastest through?

through solids

Can sound travle to space?

Space is a vacuum. Sound cannot travel in vacuum

Is there sound in space and explain your answer?

Yes and No No because sound needs oxygen to travle Yes, because if you make sound, it will still be sound, just no one, not even you, can hear it.

Why can't sound waves travel though space?

sound waves cant travel through space because there is no oxygen, and if there is no oxygen there is nothing to carry the sound waves. youre welcom theSas

Does light waves or sound waves travle faster?

Light travels much, much faster than sound. Light travels at 299792458 m/s while sound only goes 340.29 m/s.

What was a wigwam?

wigwams are portable houses that the Iroquois used to travle places...and there are longhouses that are permanent .(so you can't travle with them)

You cant get sound on when some one call no sound?

i need sound on skype

Matter which a wave travle?

Matter through which a wave travels is named as material medium. Example air is a material medium needed for sound waves to pass through

Why cant sound move through space but light can?

Sound can.

Where did Marco Polo travle from?

From Italy