The George Washington Bridge traverses the Hudson River. It connects New Jersey to Upper Manhattan.
Hudson river
Lake Washington
The deleware river
The George Washington Bridge is located in the state of New York City. It's purpose is to connect neighborhoods within the borough of Manhattan to New Jersey. It is the world's busiest vehicular bridge it stands at an impressive height of 604 Ft and spans a whopping 4,760 ft in length.
Cross the bridge, then go down to the water. You can cross the river to the left, and you will find a doubloon there.
Cross the bridge, then go down to the water. You can cross the river to the left, and you will find a doubloon there.
Cross the covered bridge and talk to the girl there. Go right, then down and left to the water, and cross the stream to the left.
Lake Erie
they would be peace bridge, rainbow bridge and the water bridge ,and the suspension railroad bridge.
To cross a large body of water.
Hudson River
Northumberland Strait