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they declared freedom from the British

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Q: What beliefs did the founding fathers declare they held?
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Powers exclusively held by congress?

The powers that are exclusively held by congress include ability to change taxes, impeach the president and declare war. These powers are expressed by the constitution.

What did Jefferson and Hamilton have in common?

Hamilton and Jefferson had different ideologies. Commonalities include both being writers, both served their state legislatures, and both held national offices prior to Presidency. they both had faith in the republican society

In what ways could the doctrine of nullification have made it difficult for the federal government to operate?

The Doctrine of Nullification held that states had the right to declare null and void any federal law they deem unconstitutional.

How did religion and virtue contribute to growth of representative government in the American colonies?

It didn't play a role because the founding fathers had seen the results of religion in the relationship to government and the abuses that came with it. They wanted to insure that there was no state religion and that the laws were secular in nature to make sure all people were treated equally under the law. Most of the founding fathers were also repeatedly refused to be swayed by religious opinion, but directly challenged the right of the church to interfere with secular matters. The belief that the US was founded as a Christian nation is held by those who think it is in danger of coming under the influence of non-Christians. In fact, it never was a Christian nation except in the most literal sense that most of the people who came were Christians. Not one word is said about Christianity in the Constitution nor is it in the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration refers only to " nature's God."

Who did William Penn find Pennsylvania to provide a place for?

William Penn was actually opposed to most commonly held religious beliefs in his youth but discovered that the beliefs of the "Society of Friends" resembled his own beliefs to the extent that he did join them. The Society of Friends is also known as the Quakers. Like many people in his day, he came to what is now the US to be free to practice his religion the way he saw fit. The Quakers have remained prevalent in many areas of Pennsylvania even to this day.

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Which belief was generally held by the founding fathers at the constitution convention 1787?

Which belief was generally held by the Founding Fathers at the Constitutional Convention in 1787

What did the founding fathers hold against America?

They wouldn’t have been “founding fathers “ if they held anything against the country.

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The Founding Fathers used debate and compromise to solve problems at the Constitutional Convention. The convention was held in 1787.

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What was a widely held belief among the founding fathers of the US?

Most of the founding fathers of the USA held the belief that it was okay to have slaves and personal valets. They however made notable efforts to end slavery and have more rights to the former slaves.

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What the undersigned believed the philosophy behind the document?

The undersigned believed the philosophy behind the document prioritized individual freedoms and rights as essential components of a just society. They likely saw the document as promoting equality, democracy, and the rule of law.

Why did the founding fathers place a discussion on the legislative branch first?

They feared a strong executive that could operate as an authoritarian government

You hold these Truths to be self-evident to an absolute tyranny over these states what beliefs did the founding fathers believe they had?

Americas Founding fathers, held as a self-evident truth; All men were bourn with equal rites. But you have to understand, "All men" to them = Caucasian Judaic Christian men; all others were women, or indiginous peoples, who had no rights anywhere in the world, The Judaic Christian religion tells that; Check Leveticus, the laws Moses claimed came from a god, that the scriptures tell, They never ever knew!

Should the founding fathers general elitism and indifference to the rights of people women African Americans and Indians be held against them or should they be viewed with some understanding?

the founding fathers were neither elitist nor indifferent to people's rights. the better question is whether your teacher's elitism and hatred of the principles of republican self government and individual liberty should be held against her or should she be viewed with understanding? Michael Montagne

Why are elections for the house of represntatives held every two years?

The Founding Fathers did not envision a professional political system and wanted the People's House to be free to regularly change its Representatives.