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Q: What army regulations covers sick call or quarters?
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What army regulation covers conduct of a soldier during PT that has a profile?

A medical profile in the Army is a form of orders issued by medical personnel. For most intents, it supercedes all other orders that conflict with the letter and intent of the issued profile. As an order given to a soldier, it falls under AR 600-8-105. There are a number of other regulations and Army pamphlets under which it falls. For a specific regulation related to medical profiles, the best source of information is the chief medical officer of the installation to which you are assigned. Make an anonymous phone call and ask. See the link below for a comprehensive list of all Army regulations and PDF files of those regulations.

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Are bugle calls still used in the army?

The official U.S. Army Bands website lists the following bugle calls: * Adjutant's Call * Assembly * Attention * Call To Quarters * Church Call * Drill Call * Fatigue Call * Fire Call * First Call * First Sergeant's Call * Guard Mounting * Mail Call * Mess Call * Officer's Call * Pay Day March * Recall * Retreat * Reveille * School Call * Sick Call * Taps * Tattoo * To Arms * To The Color

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You would call a vampire army a (flock) i heard it in a T.V. show.

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The Imperial Roman Army.

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der Führer (the leader)

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you call then SIR or MA'AM and move on

What do you call a 1 part of a circle that begins with Q?

it's called Quarters.

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What do they call the leaders of the army?

A General