Underlining is used in questions asked about decimals, not in decimal notation.
A bar across the top of a decimal number means that the number (or numbers) are repeated infinitely as the decimal equivalent of a fraction, such as 1/3 (0.3333) or 1/7 (0.142857142857142857).
None of the digits are underlined. If one of them was underlined, the answers would be (from left to right) 600, 580, 582, 582.1, 582.09 and 582.091 respectively.
Standard algorithm is when you take two digits or decimals and you put the digit or decimal with the greater value on top and the digit or decimal with the least value on the bottom and you contrast the digits/decimals to see if it greater than, less than,or equal to.
as many as needed to satisfy the accuracy needed.
They are decimal representations of numbers which stop after a finite number of digits (or continue with an infinite string of 0s).
There is an infinite amount of decimals between 0.1 and 0.11. Write "0.10", and then add any digit or digits you like - the result will be between those two.
The value is 0 as there are no digits underlined.
Oh, dude, the period of the underlined digits is just the number of digits in a repeating decimal pattern. It's like when your friend keeps telling the same joke over and over again. So, if you see 0.333... the period of the underlined digits is 1 because it just keeps repeating that "3" forever. It's like a never-ending story, but with numbers.
by using decimals
None of the digits is underlined. If you gave that to a computer, it would be all over for the computer.
Since there are no numbers and no underlined digits, there cannot be any answer!
A decimal with a continuously repeating digits or group of digits
There are between 12 and 15 digits in trillions. If you include decimals, it is unlimited.
Repeating decimals consist of a fixed string of digits which repeat infinitely in the decimal representation of a number. These may start anywhere after a finite number of digits.
Pi is not a digit because it has decimals. I believe a digit is a round digit meaning a whole number and no decimals.