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Chlorophyll and caratinoids are found. They are photosynthetic pigmenta

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Q: What are two pigments that are found in chloroplasts?
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Where can chlorophyll in chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts have Two membranes. pigments are in the thylakoid.

What pigments are found in the chloroplasts besides chlorophyll?


What pigments will you find if you separate the pigments found in a typical plant cell's chloroplasts?


Photosynthesis pigments are found in the?

Photosynthesis pigments are found in the chloroplasts of plant cells. The main pigments involved in photosynthesis are chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids, and xanthophylls. These pigments are responsible for capturing light energy and converting it into chemical energy during the process of photosynthesis.

What other pigments are found in the chloroplasts?

in an orthapidea library i have the link

What are found only in plants that contain pigments and food?


What can store plant pigments?

The chloroplasts store pigments. They are found only in plant cells, not animal cells. They store chlorophyll and other pigments.

Where are photosynthetic pigments found in green plants?

In the thylakoids in the grana which are located inside the chloroplasts in a plant cell inside of a plant, and some fungi.

What color are the pigments found in a typical plant cells chloroplasts?

The pigments found in a typical plant cell's chloroplasts are mainly chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, which give plants their green color. These pigments are responsible for capturing light energy during photosynthesis.

What pigments are found in chloroplasts besides choorophyll?

chloroplast contain pigments like - chlorophyll a. chlorophyll b, carotenoids and xanthophylls

What are yellow orange pigments in chloroplasts?

Yellow-orange pigments in chloroplasts are known as carotenoids. These pigments help to capture light energy for photosynthesis and also play a role in protecting the chloroplasts from damage caused by excessive light.β-carotene and xanthophylls are examples of carotenoids found in chloroplasts.

Besides chlorophyll what other pigments are found in chloroplasts?

Other pigments found in chloroplasts include carotenoids (such as beta-carotene and xanthophylls) and anthocyanins. These pigments help in capturing different wavelengths of light for photosynthesis and also provide protection against oxidative damage.