to suck the phlem
Uses of information technology in medical field include storing files, data analysis, and medical testing. Information technology is also used for communication and security.
Thorium hasn't medical uses.
Picosecond lasers have a variety of uses. Some of the most common uses for picosecond lasers are in the medical field in such procedures as laser eye surgery and tattoo removal.
In the medical field, thermomaters are used to take the temperature, which can signal if you have an infection(body warms up from white blood cells fighting the infection), and many other uses
After a bit of digging - It's apparently Ciprofloxacin. It has a number of uses in the medical field - see relate link for Wikipedia's entry.
Federal power has increased when Congress uses a broad definition of the power to regulate commerce.
for medical uses and dye
The police force, computer geeks, the military and the army all use jargon/slang. Doctors and people in the medical field use it as well.
The positive uses of nuclear chemistry is its application in the medical field for imaging. It is a very useful diagnostic tool. Radiation and radioisotopes also have applications in agriculture for insect control.
a farmer uses it to plough the field