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frequent urination, increased thirst, extreme tiredness, weight loss (in spite of appetite), blurred vision, slow healing infections or wounds, pain,numbness or tingling of the feet, stomach pain, vomiting, rapid, shallow breathing, sexual problems (impotence in men,decrease in vaginal fluids in women).

Symptoms can appear suddenly or over time. And it's unlikely that anyone would have all of the symptoms. It is possible to have type 2 Diabetes with no symptoms.

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11y ago
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12y ago

In the early stages, there are likely to be no symptoms at all and even when symptoms do arise they may come on so slowly that they are not noticed.

You may get some of following symptoms:

· More hunger or thirst then usual

· Excessive urination

· Tiredness and lethargy

· Frequent infections

· Blurred vision

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11y ago

The onset of Type 1 diabetes symptoms are usually acute/rapid (over days to weeks). Symptoms include: frequent urination, intense/frequent thirst, rapid weight loss, lethargy and fatigue, sleeping excessively, hunger or nausea. With prolonged lack of treatment, symptoms such as blurred vision, dehydration, pounding heart/pulse, fruity odor to breath or urine, and skin tingling likely occur. Left untreated by insulin (the only treatment for Type 1 diabetes), symptoms become more severe and progress to unconsciousness, coma and death.

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14y ago

Thirst, tiredness, frequent urination, difficulty concentrating and headaches. Also if it is for an extended amount of time (like in the case of undiagnosed diabetes) weigh loss.

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9y ago

There are several signs that could mean you have hyperglycemia. Some of these signs and symptoms include increased thirst, headaches, blurred vision, frequent urination, and weight loss.

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Who is at risk of getting hyperglycemia?

Individuals with diabetes, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, a family history of diabetes, or those taking certain medications are at higher risk of developing hyperglycemia. Furthermore, people with certain medical conditions like pancreatitis or Cushing's syndrome may also have an increased risk of experiencing high blood sugar levels.

What is the icd9 code for hyperglycemia?

code for Hyperglycemia is 790.29

What hormone reverses hyperglycemia?

Insulin is the hormone that reverses hyperglycemia by promoting the uptake and storage of glucose in cells, especially in the liver, muscle, and adipose tissue. Insulin helps lower blood sugar levels by facilitating the conversion of glucose into glycogen for storage or into energy for immediate use.

What will a person show in their urine with hyperglycemia?

Excess glucose in their urine is a sign that they may have hyperglycemia.

What part of the human body system does Hyperglycemia belong to?

Hyperglycemia belongs to the endocrine system.

What is he suffix for hyperglycemia?

The suffix for hyperglycemia is "-emia", which typically refers to a condition involving an abnormal level of a substance in the blood. In this case, hyperglycemia indicates high blood sugar levels.

What is the difference between hyperglycemia and hypoglicemia?

Hyperglycemia is high blood sugar and hypoglycemia is low blood sugar

Does hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia only occur in diabetic people?

Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia can occur in others. It can be seen in premature infants.

What does hyperglycemia due to thyrotoxicosis mean?

Hyperglycemia is high blood sugar; thyrotoxicosis is dangerously high levels of thyroid hormone.

What is the prefix for the word hyperglycemia?


Does acute Hyperglycemia leads to acute injury to Vascular endothelium?

No. But chronic hyperglycemia does, and it leads to amaloid build up around capillaries.

Which clinical condition has the classic signs of blue fingertips that later turn red?

Raynaud's disease