

Best Answer
  1. Fungus-like protists have filamentous structures that resemble fungal hyphae.
  2. Both groups obtain nutrients through absorption rather than photosynthesis.
  3. They can reproduce through the formation of spores.
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Q: What are three characteristics of fungus-like protests that make them similar to fungi?
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How are funguslike protist similar to fungi?

Fungus-like protists, such as water molds and slime molds, resemble fungi in terms of their absorptive nutrition and similar body structures. Both groups use structures like hyphae to absorb nutrients from their surroundings and often play similar ecological roles in ecosystems. However, fungus-like protists are classified in different taxonomic groups than true fungi.

Chytrids had previously been classified with protists because they?

Chytrids were classified with protists because they exhibit characteristics of both fungi and protists, such as having flagellated spores and a similar mode of reproduction. However, they are now considered part of the kingdom Fungi due to genetic evidence showing their evolutionary relationship with other fungi.

What are the six kingdoms that scientists classify all living things into?

The six kingdoms are: Bacteria, Archaea, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Each kingdom represents a broad group of organisms with similar characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

Scientists that study fungi?

Mycologists are scientists that study fungi. They examine the characteristics, biology, ecology, and classification of fungi, contributing to our understanding of their importance in various ecosystems and their applications in biotechnology and medicine.

Firm protective structure that gives the cell its shape in plants fungi most bacteria and some protests?

Cell wall is the firm protective structure that provides shape and support to plant cells, fungi, most bacteria, and some protists. It is made up of cellulose in plants, chitin in fungi, and peptidoglycan in bacteria.

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What are some characteristics of unicellular?

- one cell - one cell performs all tasks - short lifespan - Examples: bacteria, algae, protests, yeast (fungi) - one cell - one cell performs all tasks - short lifespan - Examples: bacteria, algae, protests, yeast (fungi)

How are funguslike protist similar to fungi?

Fungus-like protists, such as water molds and slime molds, resemble fungi in terms of their absorptive nutrition and similar body structures. Both groups use structures like hyphae to absorb nutrients from their surroundings and often play similar ecological roles in ecosystems. However, fungus-like protists are classified in different taxonomic groups than true fungi.

Downy mildews and water molds are similar to fungi in that they both?

Downy mildews and water molds are similar to fungi in that they both resemble fungi. They can also cause diseases similar to fungi.

Why are members of phylum Euglenophyta classified as plant like protists how do they move?

MOstly unicellular photosynthetic autotrophs that have characteristics similar to green plants or fungi.

Why are slime molds called fungi-like protists?

Slime molds are classified as fungi-like protists because they share some characteristics with both fungi and protists. They were previously classified as fungi due to their similar appearance and habitat preferences. However, genetic and molecular studies have shown that slime molds are more closely related to protists than fungi.

How fungi similar to animals?

Fungi and animals are not similar in very many ways. One similarity does stand out, and that is the fact that both animals and fungi have to take in food from outside sources.

How do funguslike protists differ from true fungi?

Fungi are separated from the protists based on their plate-like cristae in the mitochondria, the possession of a single, posterior, whiplash flagellum (in some forms), synthesis of lysine by the AAA pathway, the use of glycogen as a storage compound, and the presence of the Spitzenkorper in actively growing hyphae.

What is fungi characteristics?

saprophyticchitenous cell wallheterotrophiceukaryoticspore reproduction

What are all the scientific kingdoms?

The scientific classification system recognizes 6 kingdoms: Animalia (animals), Plantae (plants), Fungi (fungi), Protista (protists), Archaea, and Bacteria (monera). Each kingdom represents a broad group of organisms with similar characteristics.

Chytrids had previously been classified with protists because they?

Chytrids were classified with protists because they exhibit characteristics of both fungi and protists, such as having flagellated spores and a similar mode of reproduction. However, they are now considered part of the kingdom Fungi due to genetic evidence showing their evolutionary relationship with other fungi.

Why do some scientists classify fungi as plants and other scientists classify them as animals?

Some scientists classify fungi as plants because they share certain characteristics like cell walls and non-motility. Other scientists classify fungi as animals due to their heterotrophic nature, similar to animals, and their ability to store energy as glycogen, like animals do. Ultimately, fungi are placed in their own kingdom, separate from plants and animals, due to their unique characteristics.