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What are some types of cropping systems?

Cropping systems are designed to mimic nature and bring diversity into our farming systems. Cropping systems include:

1) Crop rotation: Crops are changed in the field from year to year according to a planned sequence rather than the same crop being grown in the same field. The crop rotation can include both annual and perennial crops which are seeded for several years.

2) Multiple Cropping: Two or more crops grown in the same field within a given year. Annual and perennial plants can be organized in fields together. Another example might be planting rows of fruit trees with cereal grains or vegetables in between and windbreaks planted aroundthe field perimeter.

3) Mixed Cropping: Two or more crops are mixed together in the same field at the same time without a definite row arrangement. Complimentary crops include oats and peas or mixtures of forage grasses and legumes.

4) Strip-Intercropping: Two or more crops are planted in the same field in alternate rows. The two crops generally have their main production period at different times of the year. This system more evenly uses water throughout the growing season, and ensures some level of productivity during the dry season by the more drought tolerant crops. For example, wheat or peas can be spring sown in one- meter strips with an adjacent fallow one-meter strip area. Later this area can be planted with two rows of corn.

5) Planting forGenetic Diversity: Using several varieties of seeds in the same field can be a good strategy to increasecrop diversity and reduce vulnerability to disease and insect outbreaks.

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14y ago
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10y ago

There one many types of Agriculture.

1) Shifting Cultivation

2) Intensive Pastoral Farming

3) Subsistence Cultivation

4) Commercial Cultivation

5) Mixed crop Cultivation

6) Dairy Farming

7) Dry Farming

8) Intensive Arable Farming

9) Market Gardening (Fruit and salad vegetables).

10) Silk Farming

11) Plantation or Tree Farming

12) Extensive Pastoral Farming (eg Hill Sheep Farming)

13) Organic Farming

14) Biointensive Farming

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13y ago

There are many different types of farming! I'll give you four.

Collective farming -is an organization of agricultural production in which the holdings of several farmers are run as a joint enterprise. A collective farm is essentially an agricultural production cooperative in which members-owners engage jointly in farming activities.

Factory farming- is the practice of raising livestock in confinement at high stocking density, where a farm operates as a factory

Intensive farming- or intensive agriculture is an agricultural production system characterized by the high inputs of capital, labour, or heavy usage of technologies such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers relative to land area.

Organic farming -is the form of agriculture that relies on crop rotation, green manure, compost, biological pest control, and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and control pests, excluding or strictly limiting the use of synthetic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides, plant growth regulators, livestock antibiotics, food additives, and genetically modified organisms.

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10y ago

There are three major types of agriculture that are used throughout the world. The first kind is organic agriculture. This type of agriculture foregoes pesticides and GMOs. The second type is industrial agriculture. This is main stream farming, done on huge tracts of land. The third kind is crop agriculture. This is the type generally used by small farmers.

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