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(There are to many rules in Football to even start naming the top 10 football rules). I agree but in my opinion Holding, False start, Offsides, Unnecessary roughness, Unsportsmanlike conduct, Offensive pass interference, Defensive pass interference, Roughing the kicker, Roughing the passer, and 15 or 5 yard face mask. (There may be others that I missed but I tried to name the top ten).

All that has been mentioned are penalties. There are no 'top 10'. If you want to know the first 10 rules in the rulebook, I can give you that, but it's like reading a law book. What are the top 10 laws?

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There are 17 rules in soccer. They can be found in the FIFA Laws of the Game.

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There are 17 rules in soccer. They can be found in the FIFA Laws of the Game.

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