Symbols commonly found in the rituals of Holy Orders include the laying on of hands by the bishop, the vesting of the newly ordained with liturgical garments, the presentation of the Book of the Gospels, and the anointing with sacred chrism. These symbols represent the transmission of authority and grace from the Church to the ordained minister.
It is not necessarily given during the anointing of the sick, but can be if requested.
The parish priest should administer anointing of the sick.
Oil is one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit. It is used in the sacraments of Holy Orders, Baptism, Confirmation, and Annointing of the sick.
A system of symbols and rituals can be defined as a religion. Different symbols and rituals are used in the various religions that are found in the world.
the healing
The term is "anointing" of the sick, and it is simply putting anointing oil on the person (usually on the head) and then praying for God to heal them.
The sacrament of anointing the forehead with oils is done in baptism, and is also done when anointing the sick for healing purposes.
not sure
A bishop or a priest is normally the ministers of the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.