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The universal color for father is Green. The universal number for father is one. The color represent the father because the color that also represents faith and faithfulness. Green is also the color that represents the faithful and diligent farmer. All these symbols representing the color of the father are fitting symbol of the father.
The background color used for chemical hazard symbols is typically white. The symbol itself is usually a black pictogram surrounded by a red diamond-shaped border.
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the colors of nepals flag represent red and yellow
Many countries have formally adopted a set of colors as their national colors and part of their national symbols. Officially, Kenya has no national color.
Athena is the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and is recognized through the various symbols attributed to her. One such symbol is the color ruby red, which represents immortality.
Your Trainer Card will change color.
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The sun is commonly recognized as a universal symbol of the color yellow.
When highlighting,you create categories for each color just as you create categories for different symbols
yes they do because the color can be cut up into three pieces or no