Well one obvious solution would be recycling...Not only does it keep our trash off of our land and out of our soil but it reuses our waste and conserves energy...Using biodegradable products also helps...Not littering and picking up trash one sees on the ground can help and reusing things yourself. You don't necesarilly have to take your recycled trash to a recyclling place but you can reuse glass bottles at home for foods, storage, decoration,etc. also with plastic bottles, old ice cube trays, old bedframes, etc... And desposing of harmful chemicals the proper way is also another way to prevent land pollution...there are more of course so just Google it
well one solution to stop land pollution is by recciclng.
land pollution is where the land is polluted.
the impotants of land pollution
wat can you get from land pollution from china?
you can stop land pollution by recycling.
land animals can have pollution YES
soil pollution
Land pollution is pollution of the Earth's natural land surface by industrial, commercial, domestic and agricultural activities.
land pollution can provide harm to our environment.
Land pollution
Land Pollution is really bad in canada.
Land pollution can cause fires and other horrible things.