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The sides are Triangles, the bottom is a square on a regular pyramid.

Another answer: Faces

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Q: What are the sides of a pyramid called?
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What is a four sided pyramid called?

A four sided pyramid is called a square based pyramid. It has a square base and four sides,(called edges,) that join at the apex. (the top of the pyramid.)

What pyramid has 7 faces?

A hexagonal pyramid.================A pyramid with 7 faces has a base plus 6 triangular sides, so is called a hexagonal pyramid.

How sides a pyramid has?

a pyramid has 8 sides in total

A figure having a polygon base and triangular sides which meet in a point at the top?


What is a base figure for a triangular pyramid?

A triangular pyramid is usually called a tetrahedron; its base is an equilateral triangle, as are the other three of its sides. An Egyptian pyramid has a square base; the other four sides are isosceles triangles.

How is a triangular pyramid and a rectangular pyramid are different?

A triangular pyramid has 4 triangular sides. A rectangular pyramid has 2 triangular sides and 3 rectangular sides.

What is a polygons that form the sides of a prism or pyramid called?

A three sided trangle

How many sides does a rectangular pyramid have?

A rectangular pyramid has five sides

What is the name of the sides of a pyramid?

The sides of a pyramid are known in geometry as faces.

How many sides does a octagonal pyramid has?

An octagonal pyramid has eight sides to it

What is a 6 sided pyramid called?

A pentagonal (or pentagon based) pyramid. when you count the base as one of the sides.A hexagonal pyramid id you do not count the base as one of the sides.

How many number of straight sides does pyramid have?

A pyramid has 4 straIGHT SIDES