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Estate surveyors and valuers play a key role in environmental valuation by assessing and determining the economic value of Natural Resources, land, and properties in relation to environmental considerations. They help in identifying the impact of environmental factors on the value of real estate assets and providing guidance on sustainable land use and development practices. By incorporating environmental valuation principles in their work, they contribute to promoting the conservation and preservation of the environment while also ensuring the economic viability of real estate projects.

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Q: What are the roles of estate surveyor and valuer in environmental valuation?
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What is the role of estate surveyor and valuer?

An estate surveyor manages property for tenants or occupants with multiple properties such as corporate organizations. An estate valuer engages in property valuation for market feasibility studies, acquisition and disposal of property.

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An estate surveyor and valver is a person who has undergone the required academic training and has acquired the needed practical experience recongnized by N.I.E.S.V and registered by E.S.VA.R.B.O.N

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The roles of Estate Valuers and Surveyors include: 1. Giving advise on site locations 2. Sourcing of funds on large housing schemes on behalf of clients. 3. Preparing feasibility and viability appraisals of housing development schemes etc.

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How do you become a domestic property valuer?

If you are seeking information on a career as a real-estate appraiser, you can probably find several schools (online or brick and mortar), seminars, and correspondence courses which offer pre-licensing study materials. Many Real-Estate Licensing programs feature Real-Estate Appraisal or Property Valuation courses. Costs for study programs and exam fees will vary, as will travel and transportation costs.

What the difference between statutory and non statutory valuation?

Statutory valuation = this is a product of an act of law, I.e when a statute is specify the method that should be adopted in determining the value required for instance the land use decree in section 29 specify the method to be adopted in carrying out valuation for compensation so also in carrying out valuation for taxation. The various statutes concern, specify or indicate the method to be used. While non-statutory or natural valuation = are those arriving from a natural event. Which ever case, the valuer is also concern with the market value of the property. These includes valuation for sales, purchase, rentals mortgage etc.

What are synonyms for surveyor?

They are big Brother, appraiser, assayer, assessor, auditor, boatswain, boss, cartographer, chief, chorographer, comptroller, controller, estimator, evaluator, floor manager, floorman, floorwalker, foreman, gaffer, ganger, gauger, geodesist, head, headman, inspector, land surveyor, measurer, meter, monitor, noncommissioned officer, oceanographer, overman, overseer, proctor, sirdar, slave driver, straw boss, subforeman, super, superintendent, supervisor, taskmaster, topographer, valuator, valuer, visitor

What are the functions of estate surveyors and valuers?

(1) Property Managent: i. Negociation of terms and conditions of the tennants. ii. Collect rents. iii. Liasing with clients solicitors in advicing in an appropriate lease agreement. iv. Advice on adequate insurance policy. v. Disbustment of outgoings. (2) property Finance: Property finance refers to the process of obtaining funds or capital, generally for the purpose of supportin development and re-development or carrying out major renovation works on property development. The valuer may be required to estimate mortgage value of the property in order to secure a loan. He also will be required to advice on the best source of finance for project options. (3) Property Market: i. Advice the client to invest on future development. ii. Proffessionally engaged in problems that might arise. iii. Assist in estimating the likely worth of the property which forms the basis for negociations between the owners and the prospective tennant and buyer. (4) Developmental Appraisal: Developmental appraisal starts with conceptualization of an idea to developin a visibility and viability of appraisal. Purchase and acquisition of land and carrying out the developments. The valuer advices clients on potential development that a client desires property investment. (5) Property Investment And Financial Analysis: The investor will enquire from time to time financial appraisal of various property investment before he can commence any investment. He will also require the valuer to advice on the various growth in the capital value of his property.

What movie and television projects has Jonty Hearnden been in?

Jonty Hearnden has: Played himself in "Breakfast" in 2000. Played Valuer in "Cash in the Attic" in 2002. Played Himself - Valuer in "Comic Relief Does Car Booty" in 2007. Played himself in "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" in 2008. Played himself in "Celebrity Eggheads" in 2008. Played Himself - Valuer in "Cash in the Celebrity Attic" in 2008. Played Himself - Expert in "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" in 2008. Played Himelf - Valuer in "Cash in the Celebrity Attic" in 2008.

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The cast of Car Booty - 2004 includes: Mark Franks as Valuer Stephanie Meadows as Presenter James Rylands as Valuer Lorne Spicer as Presenter Karol Steele as herself