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problems hindering the transfer of technology

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Q: What are the problems hindering transfer of technology in developing countries?
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What are the problems to import technology developed in other nation?

The question of technology has become a crucial question for all developing countries. There seems to be only one answer, and that is to develop our own technology, suitable for our needs and fitting into the pattern of our natural human resources. This requires identifying our priorities, and steadily pursuing the path that will help us achieve them. A clear national technology policy is needed, from which there should be no deviation, irrespective of pressures from the developed countries or the corrupting influence of their trading partners in our own countries.

What are the problems a country may encounter when it decides to improve the technology developed in other nations?

The question of technology has become a crucial question for all developing countries. There seems to be only one answer, and that is to develop our own technology, suitable for our needs and fitting into the pattern of our natural human resources. This requires identifying our priorities, and steadily pursuing the path that will help us achieve them. A clear national technology policy is needed, from which there should be no deviation, irrespective of pressures from the developed countries or the corrupting influence of their trading partners in our own countries.

What are the problems a country may encounter when it decides to improve the technology developed in other nation?

The question of technology has become a crucial question for all developing countries. There seems to be only one answer, and that is to develop our own technology, suitable for our needs and fitting into the pattern of our natural human resources. This requires identifying our priorities, and steadily pursuing the path that will help us achieve them. A clear national technology policy is needed, from which there should be no deviation, irrespective of pressures from the developed countries or the corrupting influence of their trading partners in our own countries.

How might society affect science when it comes to developing oil based technology?

Society depends on oil production, so science can be useful when it comes to developing an oil based technology. Planning ahead can help scientists discover and alleviate problems with oil production,

How might society affect science when it comes to developing oil-based technology?

Society depends on oil production, so science can be useful when it comes to developing an oil based technology. Planning ahead can help scientists discover and alleviate problems with oil production,

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third world countries have clearly understood the origin of the causes of their problems hence they can enact policies that can influence the course of their developemenet

What problems do developing countries have in regards to the environment?

Developing countries generally lack the infrastructure for researching and developing cutting edge technologies. Thus, developing countries must rely on technologies that have already been proven and developed on a mass scale by other more advanced nations. A big problem with this is that the existing technologies of the world are by and large not environmentally friendly. For example, China is a developing nation that must rely on existing inexpensive technology to fuel their growth. Inexpensive technology for power generation on mass scale includes such strategies as coal fired power plants. This is a very dirty and polluting process that creates all kinds of waste and harmful gases. More advanced nations are currently researching cleaner ways to create energy, but these are either not yet efficient, or they are too expensive to be competitive for a growing nation.

What has the author E P Rogowski written?

E. P. Rogowski has written: 'A study of management problems in three developing countries'