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Q: What are the opiates that methadone is prescribed for?
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Who would use methadone?

Methadone is prescribed to people who are addicted to opiates and is also used for pain management in some cases.

Why do doctors prescribe methadone?

Methadone is prescribed for addiction to opiates and in some cases it is prescribed for pain management.

What percentage of methadone users receive it for pain control?

Not many. I would say maybe 5% at my clinic. and we have 2,000 clients. Methadone is not a commonly prescribed pain killer. It is used for people to get off opiates far more often.

Do doctors give people methadone that are addicted to tylox or Oxycontin?

Methadone is used to treat people who are addicted to opiates such as oxycontin. Many people enter treatment facilities and take methadone to help themselves to get off the opiates and eventually detox from the methadone.

Does methadone show up on a mouthswab?

Yes , Methadone show up positive for opiates.

Will cocaine and methadone show up the same as opiates?

cocaine does not, neither will methadone or suboxone.

Can you take Oxycarbamazine and methadone?

It is never a good idea to mix methadone with other opiates.

How long will methadone block other opiates if you have taken 30 mg for 3 days?

on a low dosage the opiates will not be blocked by methadone. 30 mg will not block it

Can you take norco and methadone?

You could take them together but its quite a waste eventually. Methadone works as a blocker of opiates . Heroin addicts get prescribed it to take away their withdrawal but also so they cant get high from herion anymore. You would have to be on it for a little while before that starts working but it eventually does. I used to take up to 30 vicodin and or norcos a day, and when i tried to get off it i was prescribed methadone. ++Addition++ First of all, methadone DOES NOT block the effects of opiates. It does not contain any of the opiate blocking chemicals like suboxone or narcon does. However, taking ANY opiate in addition to Methadone can be very dangerous. Methadone is stronger per mg than many of the standard opiates that people take, such as Norco or Lortab. So taking one of these with Methadone can very easily send you into overdose mode. This is not to say that they cannot be taken together, but you just have to be very, very careful. My suggestion would be to ALWAYS speak with your doctor or other licensed health care professional for advice on what to take with your methadone.

Will methadone and opiates show different on a toxicalogy test?


You took methadone for one week now your vicodin is not working why?

Methadone will block the effects of opiates causing you not to feel them.

Will methadone make you test positive for opiates?

No, Methadone will only show up as methadone because it is synthetic and requires its own test used to detect it.