Boas, jaguars, ocelots, and in some cases large birds of prey.
Big cats such as leopards, panthers, jaguars, cheetahs, and ocelots. Also large Birds of Prey and large snakes and crocodiles. Some monkeys are hunted by humans as food.
Boas, jaguars, ocelots, and in some cases large birds of prey.
i know one is a bald eagle
If their loud howl fails to frighten predators away, the monkey has large, sharp teeth
They were treatend by habitat destruction, rain forest fragmentation, and natural disasters. Also predators and by hunting
yes there is two that i know of. the eastern diamond back snake and desert turtle
A monkey-eating-eagle is called a Harpy Eagle, and it is at the top of the food chain with no predators. It lives in the sub-tropical Americas.
The Howler monkey's main predator are the Harpy eagles. Armadillos and jaguars are also predators of the Howler monkey. Howler monkeys are an endangered species.
no only toe monkeys have predators
does the flame bowerbird have any natural predators?
They are eagles and porcupines, but they are indangered by humans