

Best Answer amount of carbon dioxide a plant requires to grow may vary from plant to plant, but tests show that most plants will stop growing when the CO2 level decreases below 150 ppm. Even at 220 ppm, a slow-down in plant growth is significantly noticeable. Dr. M. S. Cramer -- any bontinists have more data, only found this one reference?

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Q: What are the minimum levels of CO2 needed for plant growth?
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What is the minimum CO2 level required for optimal plant growth?

The minimum CO2 level required for optimal plant growth is around 150 parts per million (ppm).

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The unhealthy plant likely needed nitrate ions (NO3-) to get the right levels of nitrogen. Nitrate is a common form of nitrogen that plants can absorb and use for growth and development.

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It is the minimum, maximum and optimum temperatures of plant growth and development.

Is Moon's soil fertile?

No, it is purely mineral with no organic material that would be needed by plants.

How does the presence of CO2 affect the growth of plants?

The presence of CO2 affects plant growth by serving as a key ingredient in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. Higher levels of CO2 can enhance photosynthesis and promote faster plant growth, while lower levels can limit growth.

What is the relationship between soil potassium density and plant growth?

The relationship between soil potassium density and plant growth is that potassium is an essential nutrient for plants to grow and develop properly. Adequate levels of potassium in the soil can promote healthy plant growth, improve root development, and enhance overall plant vigor. Conversely, low levels of potassium in the soil can lead to stunted growth, reduced yield, and increased susceptibility to diseases and environmental stress. Therefore, maintaining optimal levels of potassium in the soil is important for supporting healthy plant growth.

How does elevation change Plant growth?

Elevation can affect plant growth by impacting temperature, precipitation, and sunlight levels. Higher elevations tend to have cooler temperatures and lower oxygen levels, which can limit plant growth. Additionally, higher elevations often have different soil types and moisture levels that can also influence plant growth.

The component to soil most needed to maintain plant growth is?

The component of soil most needed to maintain plant growth is nutrients, which include essential elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients are vital for plant growth, as they play crucial roles in processes such as photosynthesis, cell division, and overall plant metabolism. deficiencies of these nutrients can severely limit plant growth and development.

How should I properly touch a plant to ensure its health and growth?

To properly touch a plant for its health and growth, it is important to be gentle and avoid touching the leaves too much. Instead, focus on touching the soil to check for moisture levels and gently support the stems if needed. Avoid touching the plant too often as it can cause stress and damage.